Primarily to pay off higher interest loans. But maybe yield will go up too. Thinking on it, maybe not the best time to lock in the rate yet, but...
I hope I am wrong, but I think inflation is about to go crazy soon. Standard yields will effectively be negative. Residential real estate and...
Some sky fire from this morning:[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Btw/psa: Never use an old piece of pier for firewood. Nor telephone poles.
Haven’t really tested the limits yet, but it is a newish neighborhood that could use some shade trees in my opinion. You are supposed to get just...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I haven’t been on in quite a while as we moved to South Carolina and don’t have a wood...
It’s been a while since I’ve stopped by the forum, but I saw this tweet and thought of you: [MEDIA]
The treehouse was my son’s big plans, and I was trying to come up with a little starter project for us.. I do like the pallet land idea. That is...
Nice; yes, that is what I am looking for. I think that would be a good “working with wood” project for us to learn on together.. not too critical.
Yup, heat treated is what I meant.[ATTACH] I try my best with the lingo. There is a custom wood shop outside my neighborhood that gives away...
My 8yo son has it in his head he wants to build a treehouse or clubhouse with the firewood. I am doing my best to manage his expectations because...
Not sure, but I’ll put some batteries in the moisture meter and crack one open to see. So far they have been burning nice, but I haven’t tried one...
I hadn’t thought of it that way, but it tracks switch my experience. Maybe stringiness of the oak as it burns, gives the fire crevices to work on,...
I really need to get some of those rubber roofing sheeting that I’ve heard about. The thin plastic sheeting gets shredded over time and I’m sure...
I figure it’ll burn like cardboard when it dries… which has it’s place for getting the fire going.
I forgot the obligatory trunk shot, but this was a car hoard from my daughter’s classmate’s house in the neighborhood. I had been walking by the...
Phew, that last 1/3 was the roughest. Even some easy looking (straight and skinny) branches some took >10 whacks with the isocore. I am glad I...
My dad used to wrestle Ric Flair in high school, and beat him too. I guess my dad had a year and a weight class on him at the time so it wasn’t...
Worked on a little more… 2/3 thirds the way done with the elm score that fell from the sky.[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Isocore did good work on the straight pieces. Even the crotches, I was at least able to get some pieces of sapwood off...