$700 is a good price, I've seen them for $945, that's a pre-Insulated liner already with insulation or, $500 for The liner plus $270 for the...
Stainless Liners will not compress or expand, especially the 2 ply smooth-wall liner. If you have 15' you cannot stretch it or compress it....
They seem to have all the same type of components that the other Class A pipe MFG's have. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain records...
I would assume that is where Santa get's through with all his presents ???
Sounds like you have "Negative Draft" pretty common in basement with stoves. Adding an Outside Air Kit may take care of the problem., or A leaky...
Where did you get your Safety Wire Pliers? I was an Aircraft Mechanic for Chrysler for 30 years, and we used them daily. Great job on your Boots!!
Single wall stove pipe, will give you 18" clearance from wall or ceiling, Using the Heat Shield will give you 6" to the wall and 9" to the...
So if you left the tiles in place leaving a 7" x 11" opening For a 6" stove - An oval liner 5.0" x 8.15" with insulation 25' - $1,149.97 If you...
It gets pretty dark looking down into the chimney, the clay tiles are usually 2' in length. So you kinda have to "feel your way down" or get a...
You will need to break out the clay tiles for the liner and insulation. By removing the clay tiles it should give you about 2" more in clearance...
I would go straight up , and not be concerned with the Stack effect, and you don't have to mess with the 30 deg elbows. I use the Ventis Double...
If we are voting on the heat re-claimers, I'm a NO. They take away the pipe exhaust heat, meaning less draft, and cooler temperatures, and more...
The Standard Selkirk Attic Insulation Shield is about 11.75" tall, and has a Drop down shield of 8.5". There is nothing to prevent you from just...
bushpilot is correct, if the liner is larger than the stove outlet, then you will get a slower draft, but the tall chimney will help increase the...
Not having the temperature differential between the inside and outside air, as everyone mention can be the issue, but there are other factors,...
There are some Air Cooled pipe still being sold, not sure how you can do the transition with them, I think it is double wall air cooled, Dura vent
If you have the Brick Chimney, and no Air cooled pipes, then we are back to my first response with the Transition Plate, by code it will tell you...
Air Cooled pipe for stoves and fireplaces has been around for a long time, but has been discontinued, although there are a few New version of them...
There is Double wall Insulated pipe, for instance a 6" Insulated pipe is 8" on the outside with insulation between the pipes 8" would be 10" on...
You mentioned Triple Wall Pipe, that is an Air Cooled style of pipe, and I was figuring that you had a Brick chimney with a Flex liner. And if you...