Have not tried a sonic squirrel repeller. Have tried the sonic mole repellers. Worthless!
The 13 going on 35 year old girl from next door came over while I was working on the boat. "Are you getting ready to go fishing" she asked?...
Hey Brad, did you ever end up selling off the fruit wood to smokers in your area?
Very Sorry to hear this HoneyFuzz . We are constantly moving from one phase of life to the next. Some of these changes are not hard but some are...
Hey Brad, Cherry is more of an incidental score around here but more often than one might think. I am always listening for a chainsaw around...
I have never seen them! I usually disassemble and clean after every use so maybe just don't have enough time to form. Also, usually cutting...
I rebuilt the water pump in the kicker motor so all is right with the boat in the motor department! :yes: More work in the next few days.
[ATTACH] Came home yesterday and as I got out of the truck I heard the Siren Call of chainsaws a short distance down the hill. Got right back in...
I have owned a medium size pot belly stove and have made a number of upright barrel stoves. I did all the loading from the top and it is amazing...
You are a good man for taking care of your folks!:thumbs:
Sandals are apparently ok with shorts in cold weather as long as you wear calf high wool logger's socks with a horizontal red stripe at the top...
40* last night, 54* today. Burning scraps of Doug Fir bark and misc. odd splits and pieces. Looks like here in the NW we are moving to the...
I think a wok would work great on a rocket stove. Perched on the tabs of the pot support, the heat would disperse and follow the curve of the wok...
I've done it before with no problems. Just remember to witness mark the linkage and zinc fin so they go back in the same place. What irritates...
Decided to make a smaller stove out of 4"X 1/8" box tube. Basically the same design but the feed tube is raised up 2 " so the center does exactly...
Ran the kicker out today and vacuumed and sprayed out the boat. Next step is a light pressure wash and scrub with zip wax. Unfortunately the...
Wish I had a pole barn to store my boat in! Best of success on you trip! I'm envious.
All done with it. I'll add some pictures to the post: "Mutha of All Rocket Stoves"
Well Doug, she's a 17 ft mess right now! This last windstorm a few days ago blew a lot of stuff in and on. Clean before pictures. Maybe I'll...