a little wd-40 has always worked good for me on removing sticker glue from stuff, spray some on a rag and wipe it with that to prevent runs
red maple, a lot of it around here, splits easy and drys fast
We've burned a full cord of mixed hard woods (oak, ash, maple) and 1/2 a cord of pine slabs so far this year, started burning about the middle of...
a link to the story, it made its way to one of my favorite sites Guy builds middle finger statue to get back at town : theCHIVE
nice, enjoy the heat!
i like both the liquid and solid versions of wild turkey ;)
mission accomplished :beerbbq:
My two sister inlaws are coming over with their six kids, the plan for thursday is to eat too much great food, drink a few too many cold beers,...
my limited experience with elm has always been "stringy" when splitting, the hydraulics handled it well but it wasn't as easy splitting as red maple
two things i've never heard go together are easy splitting and elm :axe:
if you need to build up to get the R value requirement for your hearth this is a handy link for what materials provide what for r value Sweep's...
the anti creosote products don't remove creosote in the pipe, they change the form of it from gooey tarry creosote to an easier to clean crunchy...
generally speaking these stoves burn "best" in batches, load stove full with air wide open, get load of wood burning well, turn air down in stages...
a lot of that is going to depend on 1: your heating needs and 2: how much wood you load in the stove. but you should always avoid a smoldering...
by the "zones" on the face, flue temps in singlewall stove pipe are roughly 1.5 - 2 x the surface temps. so 500F on the gauge, which is fine for...
is that a typo? that is an insane amount of wood to burn in 1 year, is that face cord or full cord?
the anti creosote products doesn't remove creosote in the pipe, they change the form of gooey tarry creosote to an easier to clean crunchy form,...
the thermometer you have looks like its a chimney thermometer from the zones on it, if you're using it on the stove top don't be afraid if it...
I wouldn't call it passion so much as forced child labor. Summer vacations from when I was 11 'till I was 18 and working full time were spent at...
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