New Stove, yes. Glass and viewing stays remarkably clean, even with sub par seasoned wood. Usually wipe down after it comes to a warm in morning...
Bought, installed, and have been living with the Hearthstone "Manchester" for over a week now with chilly weather. It's WORLDS apart from my old...
EPA Be dammed ! Come 2020 standards with emission governors on all new stoves, will likely take this wood burning industry to "ornamental...
Emailed them. I will let them know you sent me ! In terms of efficiency and heating ability, looks like they've cornered the market ! WoW 800+...
Thanks for all the feedback. Let me pause for a moment and check out the Woodstock. Before I jump into this, my best quote on the Manchester...
So, the old "country comfort" insert just won't go anymore, so moving to a new stove. Pulling out the insert and going to run a free standing on...
Ok, as an FYI to all interested parties, I found my Model #, and it's a CC100, circa 1982-3. Found this on a forum about a rebuild pertaining...
Thanks for the info WildWest ! I did call Susan, however, she was not really able to help in that she had no information on exact identification...
Thanks AGAIN for this wonderful insight WeldrDave ! News I wanted to here ! :D Looking forward to hearing what Coaly has to say as well and...
Sorry wildwest, I'm probably not worthy to be on this site because I don't know much about wood stoves, but I do not know the answer to that...
Thanks WeldrDave. Yeah, not seeing much in the way of parts. In this forums experience, there should be no issue with firing as is, correct?...
Here are some Pics. Please let me know if you need any more angles, but this should give you a good idea of what I'm dealing with. There than...
What an amazing forum ! Thanks to all for your wonderful, and welcoming replies. I will upload some pics tomorrow.
Hello Friends, We bought an old farm house years ago that came with a Country Comfort insert. She has been a brilliant stove, I reckon from...