[QUOTE="Highbeam, All is good happy 2025.
[QUOTE="Greg -30C here with wind chill my G 200 took half a load to go from last night at 7pm till 8am(74 degrees days 72 nights) and it was...
[QUOTE="PatrickNY, Free wood is good wood and close to home even better.It looks kinda like a birch to me but I am for sure not a expert
[QUOTE="BuckeyeFootball, My son is the same I buy logs cut logs split logs he might help stacking but never misses a wheel barrow when is time...
[QUOTE="Biddleman, Why would he spend all the time & effort doing his own logs when he can come and pick up your dry stuff?
[QUOTE="morningwood, No problem and never preachy.I am not sure if you have a gasser unit of the regular type .I know the none gasser units are...
Yes I did have to change companies as my old one was not even tho the unit is CSA approved for indoor installation.I even had safety guy here...
[QUOTE="Farmchuck, I have about 30 of them and with that many when I split wood it goes directly into them so only handling after that point is...
Yes I store all my wood in home made crates which are 4'deep 6'long & 5' high approx 110cubic feet I have a mix of slab wood (maple ash) some with...
None that I can notice as for the most part this thing hardly smokes at all being a down draft and if done 2 times per day mostly just bed of...
Yes a Heat Master G200 heating a 2000 foot house with basement temp is set for 74 day time 72 at night I bought the unit spring of 2020 but...
oops 200 should be 2000 dang typos
Finally I started the G 200 for the heating season is my second season with it so fingers crossed it performs as good as last year.Now to get wife...
[QUOTE="samuel, find a carport and put sides on it
[QUOTE="jeffthro, I figure 4 per bush cord when I just toss pieces in Super sack as the lady who buys then actually stacked it(2x4 and 1x4...
[QUOTE="Farmchuck, I have the G200 which I think they now call the 4000.I also learned to just put enough in for 14 hour burn time.mine is in my...
[QUOTE="Farmchuck, I know from my limited Exper that the milder temps and idle time on the unit create more issues and buildup .As other have said...
[QUOTE="RandoNHFirewoodHoarder, I built a new house and have a G200 installed in my Garage.That thing needs cold weather before its even worth...
"buZZsaw BRAD, if you keep stacking like you are the shed will be To small even before it built.We all know any shed we build ends up to small in...