I have access to a couple different 6x10 10,000lb dumps, one of them is a deck over that has fold down sides. It's the perfect height for...
I have a bri-mar 5×8 and find myself constantly overloading it. 3000lb axle and I stack close to a cord of wood on it. The axle kinda bows from...
Possibly...not taking any chances. Lol Plus I'm kinda sick of cutting up deer. We will go out some for late muzzleloader season but never kill...
Can't complain. Just finished cutting up deer. Last day of rifle season but it's raining buckets..
Sup slacker? You getting wet down there?
That makes one of us. Lol
Surviving. Got a nasty storm coming through so trying to get all my snow removal stuff around. How's things in WV?
You meant watching right?[emoji16]
They're all wiseco. Dominant is just branding hype, I'm not real fond of that company. Glad Dave is putting together this new line.
Yep. I have a couple dominant pistons, they should be similar.
That chit made it here last night and been blowing all day.
I'm gonna grab one to play around with but it'll probably wait till after Christmas now.
Have you picked up one of those fancy CCC racing pistons yet?
Can't complain. Reclining and listening to the wind blow.
Sup Dally?
Sup doods?
What can I say.. I like to sleep in my own bed. Lol It's about an hour drive. Gotta pick up a couple saws out there that a guy wants ported....
We're going to Forksville Saturday. Lumberjack and carving competitions, should be a good time.
Heading there soon myself. You going to Randy's this weekend?
Can't complain, had a busy day at work. Installing new stacks on solvent tanks. Someone screwed the pooch, nothing fit worth a damm. Lol All...