I got one of those vaccustack chimney caps for this reason and it helped me out quite a bit. still not perfect but 90% better I'd say on those...
I used B&B for a long time, usually like $20 a bag around here. Now that Jealous Devil lump coal is at that same price point at Home Depot, I've...
Alright thanks for the confirmation guys that it's not just "me" who's perhaps being snobby about charcoal/wood vs pellets. I gotta start giving...
I've just had pretty much "everything" off a pellet grill/smoker at this point...burgers, steaks, ribs, smoked chuck, chicken/wings....All of it...
They are bullet proof. I bought my first one 11 or 12 years ago and although I'm not using it constantly (especially because I have 2 other WSM's...
Are there any pellet guys here? Do I dare open up the can of worms? My neighbor recently got a pit boss pellet "smoker" and it's only pushed me...
Thanks, and yeah not easy to get around here either. I spent way too much with my local farmer on 4 slabs of these last week, however it's local...
And speaking of beef ribs here's the largest slab I think I've ever done. It was about the same size of the last 10lb brisket I did if not bigger....
Those look pretty meaty compared to the other beef ribs I've seen from Costco. I've always been curious about them because they are usually priced...
got 4 slabs of these gigantic beef ribs, hopefully getting one on the Weber this weekend. [ATTACH]
Well I was going to smoke ribs on saturday. Left the house early to go buy two racks, got the smoker rolling around 11am, made a rub. Opened up...
I think i'll do some ribs sunday. I need a little rib rub inspiration! I know i just went off about salt pepper garlic but I push that idea more...
Lol I too maybe have smoked a hundred briskets but I'm cheating a bit with my figures because I worked at a BBQ joint when I was in high school....
Of course. and I'll point out I did use shagbark on that chuck!
I always use shagbark because that's typically what I get anyway, but talking to other guys around here, as well as what the biggest BBQ...
9ish hr smoke yesterday for this nice chunky chuck roast on the Weber smoker. SPG only for the rub. Starting to really get away from packaged rubs...
10.5 lb brisket from Sunday. 17 hr smoke on the Weber. FOGO lump coal + shagbark hickory. Wrapped at 175ish degrees (when bark was present) and...
Not sure why but this forum doesn't like me trying to post pics from my phone. Quite frustrating actually. Anyway, haven't been drinking a lot of...
Made some for the first time a couple weeks ago and id say it was a success. Only problem was I used day old eggs from my chickens and they...
Gotta figure too UL testing relies on either 110 or 115 degrees *above* ambient room temp. That means if your room is 80ish or so with the stove...