Indeed thats a Kraut thing, wood can be sold in 1m lenght (which is about 3,3 feet) usally in 1sqm units. Dunno why its a 4feet length, has maybe...
haha ty Chaz , bogieb hah i didnae knew that - well now i know :) I just do a big pile and let it rott, its good for critters. Havent spoke to...
Welcome to the Club Ron!
No Sir, i can hold a hammer but thats way beyond my skillz. I really like them, well made and sharp. They look pretty good for clones, even on...
Indeed sir, the former owner seemed to disagree by the state of it. It will be better now!
Corn harvest 10 days ago, dust bowl like...and no foxes in the corn. It was around 80°F that day, standin there for 4hours and waiting....
The ole buzzsaw is on the rampage i guess :D
Got this one a new home the other day, based on a Dozier Buffalo Hunter i own. The handles is stabilized wood from a riflestock that broke. Blade...
98er, 8mm Mauser, 196grs FMJ S&B. 100m Iron sights, standing and front hand leaning against a pole and holding the rifle. The group is a bit lose...
Took the McCorimck of a friend to mulch the pasture, after this the company, who done the hedges, made the ditches properly working. [ATTACH]...
Hired a company to trim the hedges to the left and right. I picked up everything by hand and made wee piles to move them later onto a big one....
41°F last night, packed the stove with mostly pine and some other scraps.
They are very small, the male was around 33lbs the female around 22lbs (weight is with head and allready gutted). Really big bucks can be upto...
Roedeere Yearlings female and male. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
A nice orchard it will be... its 15min by car away from the house. Thanks Jack! I wish i could build a cabine there, its just a pasture. So...
So we bought some land the other year. As we've been busy as usual with alot of other things - we havent done much until this year. Better late...
Forest - trees planted by man to be harvested in 80-120 years to make lumber Woods - natural grown, untouched...wilderness Anything else is...
[ATTACH] Keep it Gangster like Clint.
We had plenty of sun and little rain...well none. Last week it startet a little and got more until today... sun came out in the afternoon Had to...