Apprehensive? Why? Ich bin ein fan die holzhausens. You can't go wrong for the cost.... I've done them many times before... The only caution I...
Glad to see that I am not alone in this. All Saturn's enjoy a wee bit of oil. The S series 1.9L twin cam was notorious for drinking a quart or...
How about the sparkles as he drove away!
Summertime firepit? Egads man that is wasting my wood!
Save your money. For that much you can build a nice wood shelter with a steel roof and open sides. This thing will be all mildewy and torn...
If your pit is a land fill...
In all seriousness this is unlikely to happen. The Maunder minimum is a poorly understood phenomenon that basically comes down to a lack of...
Maunder sounds like one them obscure European cars from the fifties and sixties.
Hi all... We recently replaced both our vehicles - went electric on both. Its great. But that's not what I am posting about. Our old Saturn Vue...
Agreed. Spend a few extra bucks on the insulation
Mine is about 16 feet... and I am always mindful of it slumping when I remove the cap. I have a section of it in my backyard leftover from the...
There is plenty of times when having something with a thermostat is the difference between breaking pipes and being able to get away from the...
Rained last night, was not going to go wood fishun in the mud[IMG]
We are swimming in dead Ash here. My neighborhood has so many still standing but clearly dead. It's more than a bit depressing look at. Neighbor...
Went to the local recycling center Saturday to dump my oil change oil. Wow...what a surprise. I have never seen so much wood....
Regardless of the stove brand or size I wouldn't recommend it to be your only source of heat.
You need to have the liner secured with screws at both ends. A stainless steel strap clamp is woefully insufficient. The corrugated liner will...
Wait... Aren't we still playing that game where you have to drink a congratulatory beer for each new stove? I am so on it! And congrats!
So say we all.
Plugs are for appliances.