Has to be the slackinest thread on the interwebses. :BrianK:
That's my Jonsered face. Lol How's the how's you man?
Best I can explain it, it's not that it's any faster, but you can walk away and do something else. Also only good for .050" gauge, so that puts a...
Herro. What would you like to know about a Temco automatic grinder?
Would make you two brothers, just in case you couldn't put that together. lol
Went through West Virginia before that.
Lmao, backfired on ya. Lol
Pretty good there slack-O-matic. How's you?
:sleeping: Glad you could wake up.
Merry Christmas everyone. :santa:
You, foo!
He's a darn good feller and I am proud to call my friend.
So far so good, how is the Slackmaster today?
Good morning slack-O-matic's
Every other. Lol