It's been a while since I've thrown some chips. I had a some time this afternoon before getting little man from school so I got the 365 Xtra...
I'm flying in 3 days o_O. Hoping the good Lord isn't ready for me and the Mrs just yet.
Little man wanted to spend some time outback this afternoon. It was 33⁰ and 15-25mph winds but he still wanted to split. We got a good amount done...
He's watching. And I'm sure he's proud.
jrider I'm definitely not suprised he's got some good butchering skills.
Happens to all of us bud. . It's hard not to think about the maybes and what ifs. Definitely sucks but so much can go wrong in archery.
Had a pretty good season here. Killed two does and a 7.5yr old buck in the fall. During winter bow I lost one doe due to a shoulder blade hit and...
The last Elm I split was some gnarly stuff. Hopefully that stuff isn't too bad
Don't let em fool ya. Usually they're arguing over anything they can think of :rofl: :lol:
Yep, this past year the logs just keep stacking up. Not necessarily a bad thing haha. Waiting for the weather to turn colder before I start...
They sure have. Way too fast. Thank you!
Big homie is a biggun!!! Hopefully he slips up for ya
It's crazy how dry it is Joe. I was talking to bobby last week about how they're running the irrigation pumps in order to flood the bogs. Never in...
Another project, Dad had a huge dead oak limbed and topped on his property that we slowly dug at the root ball over a few days so we could...
It's been a while since I've been on here but wanted to post some of the hauls/tree projects we've tackled in the off season. Back in august my...
Congrats to everyone on the kills! I've had a great fall bow season so far. I've killed two does and was able to kill a nice 8 that showed up...
Congrats guys!!
It's been a minute since I've posted in here. Hope everyone's good! Just pulled some wings off the dirty old weber. Sauced a few of them in...
Can't wait to hear what someone comes up with! :rofl: :lol: