Congratulations! My wife and I are closing on more acreage in less than 2 weeks. It's a great feeling.
Great discussion here. Has anyone done the math to see what your making in the end - per hour - of your time invested?
Trying to decide what will be our best bet for secondary income from the property. A farmer plants a few acres of our ground as part of the...
At first glance I was thinking a type of maple but after closer evaluation I'm seeing the Cherry look. What does the grain look like once split?
I'll start out by saying, I've never personally used a subsoiler attachment so take my comment for what it's worth: JimBear covered most of it:...
We've got a nice mix of hardwoods here i. NE Ohio. The lowest heat output would be the Caltupa/Basswood giant leaf trees. I swear the wood feels...
My wife and I are closing on a new house this spring. 15 acres with about 7 or so mature wooded. While walking the property with the current...
5k is a stretch for a solid used unit w/ loader. Not saying it isn't possible, but you will need to be patient. I would recommend you include...
Neighbor just bought a new F-350 with the 6.7 diesel. Beautiful truck. Tried to talk him out of it since he never tows much more than 10k, and...
Scag is top of the line build quality and cut quality. I've owned two std. Scag zero turns. Wouldn't buy anything else - even as a homeowner...
Looking good! Sounds like there's gonna be some good smells in the neighborhood once you get to burning that cherry and pear!
You my friend are doing it right! The quiet desolation and a dirtbike is good for the soul. Just visited NW Michigan - Manistee National...
That's good to know! Even my wife is loving this new stove setup. She wasn't sold on the fact that we needed ANOTHER woodburner since we...
The Buck has one simple inlet air feed control in the middle of the front bottom panel. This may be tricky to see, here's another picture. After...
Now what to do with my Momma Bear....
For the past few years, I've been trying my darndest to install a basement stove to accompany my 1st floor living room unit. My first setup was...
Thanks for the replies. I was aware that the ceramic is a better insulator but I was thinking the brick might "hold" the heat a bit better. My...
Picked up a new stove. Buck 51. It was a bit of a basket case, but I'm in the process of fixing it up. Regarding the "ceiling" over the...
I have a 2017 L3901 HST w/ QA bucket/forks and the backhoe which I bought brand new. Industrial R4 tires with the rear loaded with rimguard. I...
Would anyone be able to provide an estimated value of the saw? Thanks!