waiting over here for it to warm up a bit, so then go out in the woods and cut some firs up, that the wind had blown over,
we have very bad storm coming tomorow, wind rain
cold here heating on all day
i will cut them up put them in the barn till next year.
wich i was near you.
good replys thanks
i have 4 big firs gone done in the wood, how long do they tack to dry, befor burning,
last 3 mornings we have had frost.
Happy New Year to you all,
we have loads of greys over here,we shoot the hell out of them they damage the young trees and farmers want them gone.i shoot on lots of farms...
and a nice one as well.
love the railway
sitting down soon for xmas dinner turkey
Merry xmas to you all .
windy here and light rain
a tree came down and killed a old chap in his van.trees down all over the place.
still windy and rain,and tomorow
windy and rain here uk
very nice well done.Dennis
our clocks go back tonight uk,winter is here.when do yours go back,