Thinking one of these might get a half cord in.:coldone: He's on the couch.:coldone: [IMG]
Gotta be done within the week for the young lad.:coldone: [IMG]
The young lad wore them out.:coldone: [IMG]
Heather always takes a book along.:coldone:
The way you drive.:hair: I bet Cindy had her eyes shut the whole way.:whistle::coldone:
Well it was a cool evening Buzz.:drunk::coldone:
:coldone: Turned out very nice Rider.:cheers:
It went easy after talking to the other home owner ww.:yes: My buddy has a thing with his grass.:picard::coldone:
The plan changed when we started as the neighbor realized the tree was past its time and got a hold of a pro which he'll get a quote from next...
Titan go's where i go Save.;) Funny thing is they have a little white puff dog that puts the run on him everytime.:D The wood is staying in their...
Pretty sure the twisted willow will be more fun than that.:coldone:
Got a call from a buddy yesterday and asked if i could deal with this for him.:whistle: Me and my big mouth said ya.:hair: :coldone: [IMG]
Mom and the kids have been hanging out back for awhile Red.:coldone:
Dont mean to get anybody's panties in a bunch..But why dont they just use these? Whats the worse that can happen? Lose an eye? [IMG]
Do Firewood deer count? This afternoon.:cheers: [IMG]
All good here Rock and looks like its time to get the shovels out.:whistle::cheers:
This morning. [ATTACH] Half hour ago.:coldone: [IMG]
Lessons From The Past And Present For Controlling Covid-19: Polio (
41f now and the red maple is burning fine.:coldone:
Titan and Buds got a littlle warm last night.:coldone: Windows were open by 3am.:cheers: [IMG]