OK, so with a very hot cat and a black box, when I open the air intake, generally I do get more flames, but the cat temps also continue to...
So, does it reliably work to pull out on a cat that is super hot? I don't know why, but I've hesitated to do that, instead opting to close the...
Good day fellow hoarders! Winter has arrived in northern Minnesota, so it's time to revisit one of my favorite online communities - FHC! I have...
For what it's worth, with my Ideal Steel, I can't regularly engage the cat on a reload until cat probe temp is above about 650 or 700...I almost...
Howdy y'all! Nice to see this thread is still active. Third fire of the season going right now in my IS (2017 model, I believe), and it has a...
+24F now, and up to 40 tomorrow. A rare December thaw in northern MN. A little trouble lighting tonight’s fire with a “reverse flow” going on. A...
-13f now, headed to -20f. Burning a mix of oak, poplar, and jack pine. Forecast doesn’t have any minus signs after tomorrow!
-2 F now, heading for -16 F tonight. Time to reload the wood box with red oak and poplar mix. The poplar seems to burn faster than the jack pine I...
I have an Ideal Steel, and the only time I smell “chimney” or creosote is when there is a reverse draft and the stove isn’t running. Usually this...
Not especially. 3’ out the back of the IS, then about 23-24 feet straight up. I’m telling you the draft is good, as I never struggle to light a...
Good morning, IS fans! Our IS has been an amazing stove. I love everything about it, except for the smoke spillage on re-load (in all conditions...
700F above the door is no big deal. I bet your STT is right around 500-525 in that scenario. I've seen 850F on the front, with about 650 STT, and...
Cool stove! Yeah, it's been a cold one so far. In MN we haven't yet realized any of that "slight el nino" phenomenon yet...
While I don't have an AS - I do have an IS - I feel like this is just the natural learning curve of the Woodstock stoves. It took me about 3-4...
As long as FIL is still sleeping...no harm no foul.
I used the ash pan door re-light trick this evening, and could not believe how well it worked! No more smoky reloads for me.
39 here, and the stove is cooking through some birch and 2+ year old red oak. A little early for the hard stuff, but I couldn't resist. The next...
The tops of my stairwells are at least twice as wide as yours (because they change direction halfway down), and at least as tall. There is plenty...
Looks good to me, FTB.
I struggle with a big disparity in floor temperatures in my split-level. Stove placement at the far wall in the basement is not ideal, but it's...