Thought I would share this post from Buttermilk's BIL [ATTACH]
I didn't know Buttermilk or his family personally but we were both on 2 different forums together and finally put 2 and 2 together. It was...
I didn't see it already posted on here and I knew he was very active on this forum but for those that haven't heard...Buttermilk took his on life...
Looking good Buttermilk
Anybody had any experience with the Ashley coal burning circulator or the wood burning circulator? From what I understand wood can and is burnt...
Just like this one [IMG]
update: Finally got an OEM vent tube and vent on like a charm, no fuel leakage at all like I was having with the grub screw vent tube.
No, I've watched the fuel spit out the vent tube nipple and around the grub screw in the new vent tube.
I do plan on going with the OEM vent and vent tube but as of right now I can't find one anywhere. The only place I could even find one listed is...
It doesn't push into the tank, the vent tube slides onto a nipple on top of the tank. I did notice that it didn't seem to leak fuel as bad or at...
I couldn't find anyone that had that one in stock, my local saw shop sold me the grub screw vent and said it would work. I'll take a closer look...
Yes, it spitting fuel when running. Spits more fuel with more RPMs.
I picked up an older model MS 290 at a garage sale for $75 a few months ago. Based on what I knew about the people having the sale I figured it...
I'm attempting an engine rebuild. Where's the best place to order a piston/cylinder kit?
I will be building a new house starting in the spring of 2017 and I'm looking for recommendations for wood heat. Stand Alone or Insert? I've...
A Christmas Story This is what Christmas is all about... Better bundle up - the goose bumps will freeze you!! I think I need to read this every...