Very cool walkway, I could use something like that on my land where there is a spring that kind of spreads out and probably 150' or so stays damp...
What is the connection? Curious.
Wow, looks awesome.
You are in South Carolina, so, that should be similar to here. Humidity is a big factor and I would plan on less time than is mentioned herein....
I like your dog. I have a basset-beagle, he is one happy dog. Old man now, still happy. But limps sometimes, don't know why. Been doing it for...
Congrats, Brad, your hard work has paid off. Bravo!
Yep, bucking with a larger saw will sure wear you out. Glad you got BL Brad! Bummer about the chains, for sure!
I find it interesting... elm! Archaeologists Are Finding Dugout Canoes in the American Midwest as Old as the Great Pyramids of Egypt | Smithsonian
That was my first guess but not 100% on it. Crepe myrtle is one heavy and dense wood!
Oh, no, that is sad! I don't think I have ever known of such a place.
Red oak burns hot. BL burns hotter. But most would say you can't season red oak in one year. Why do you think that is? Cellular structure or...
Losing so many trees is sad. And real bummer to have to pay so much but it is what it is. At least, you get wood.
Yep, Midwinter was a good poster.
It's pretty often that I don't understand people. That wood is the same as money. If someone is in need that's one thing but if they are not...
Suh... weet! The old truck is still going strong.
I've never gotten any cypress, it's rather sacred in these parts, wonder how it burns. I planted a few years ago, none survived. Grow naturally in...
Like the idea of leaving a wheel barrow there between trips because it obligates them to you getting the wood. I always hate to see a homeowner...
Kind of a 'hands off' and automatic processor. This video starts a bit slow but finally gets going. I ended up watching the whole thing, wanted to...
Ad is gone according to OP. Nice cherry!
Looks nice, good job.