Hi. : ) I just had the wrong site. All i was going by at first was the name on a receipt i have. jtakeman gave my the name of the consumer site,...
Interestingly, this one i just put back in (one of the 1.75 amp lovelies) , i had retired because of an oscillating surging sound that was long...
Thank you! This makes sense now. Name on the receipt was for the wholesale.
How many square feet will you be heating with the Wiseway? You may have said already. Looks very intriguing.
OK. Looks like maybe he isn't selling to end users anymore. I have my spare motor in now, and it's one of the 1.75 amp models, with 11 fin...
It looks like he may not be selling the higher amp motor (Gleason Avery) anymore. Pictures show 9 fin impellers rather than 11, and just look...
Oh, hey people. It's me again. Hope you all are well nd happy. I need a reminder of the name of the parts business run by a member here. My old...
Indeed. The restacking is the really hard part Rocking and punching the bags to get them flat enough to leave room for that last layer. And the...
Hello. Hope you all are well and happy. Loaded in 6 tons of a new brand , Upcountry hardwood blend, and posted a quick review in that forum. (I...
This year price is up again on my cheapie MWP pellets, $319/ton delivered. But my seller (Wood Pellet Warehouse in Jay Maine) had some new brands...
Well, part came in today. Basically their red wire is my yellow wire, and vice versa. Really super ******* unhappy with these people. But the...
100% agree. Very much hoping they have gotten past having that as an issue.
Oof. Already ordered from Earth Sense. Have to hope they have taken care of that issue. So, if the polarity is reversed, is that a danger to the...
Heatilator Eco-Choice 14" Thermocouple + Cover, 812-4470 Found one for less, and includes the cover (Other site wanted $15 for that) Free...
So this happened again this morning. Stove was running on low and i turned it up this morning to medium. It ran and heated up until i heard that...
Hello, all. Just dropped in to find out what Helga's control box was trying to tell me. Very sorry to read of Dexterday's passing. : (
Trusty FHC site comes through again. Just had this issue on our Heatilator PS50. Thought i might have to order a part and run the oil beast while...
Hello pellet heads! Just did the yearly glass cleaning and thought i'd drop in and say hi. :D Helga the heatilator is going strong as we enter...
Thank you, imacman. So am i correct in thinking that you just then use the power plug as the on off switch?
Hello, pelletheads. It's been a very long time since i was here. PS50 still going strong. Hope you are all well. I do have a question though, in...