Doing alright, just eating some soup for dinner. What's shaking with you?
This thing on?
I give ya a shout later Dallas!.........[emoji8]
Hi'ya Mike
Gotta lot of stuff going on around the homefront. Been alright, just trying to get through the day. Then I'm off for a week. How have you been Dallas
doing alright for being at work. hows you?
Cool! Pics of the Hoe?
Morning Dallas! I'm doing great, going to try and get a little shop time to myself today. Howz things shaking with you?
Good morning everyone! 73°/84° Happy Father's day everyone!
LOL I'm doing good Dallas. How have you been?
Hay now!...........yous guys are the ones that talk funny.
Good morning everyone! 25°F and hanging around there all day. Looks like snowmageddon has started over night..............send doughnations and...
Good morning everyone! 6°/26°F Looks like we got around 8" of snow yesterday. And them weather Bassturds are saying more for tomorrow. I hope you...
Good morning everyone! 19°/38°F
Morning Guys! I hope you all have a great day!
Good morning everyone! 29°/31°F with some snow on the way.......... Hooray 288! [IMG]
Morning Dallas
Had this dropped off at the house yesterday. It belongs to a friend of my daughter. Whole bunch of kids have been in it and they can't get it to...