Been a while.. Had to send old man Billy Bob over the rainbow bridge tonight. The past 18 years have been great, will likely never encounter a...
I was using the frame of the dock for locating the posts initially I tried the red 0 degree nozzle but lost it after the quick connect unlocked...
It’s probably just under 4’ won’t be diving or cannon ball approved but enough to pull a boat in
Finished up this weekend despite the weather. Started on the 5th pouring the small pad and then went shopping for a trash pump lumber and bits...
Doing well bud. Work has been busy took another promotion, sometimes it’s just more headaches :mad:
Laid about 16’ of deck boards this morning and used my pressure washer to sink the posts so much easier and faster. I’ll put the last 8’ section...
It’s because the power company owns the lake- hydro dams up and down the Coosa River.
Forgive the double picture post. Turns out the permit required 15’ setbacks from both sides. So I was granted a 5’ wide x 40’ long finger dock,...
Reviving my thread finally made some progress with my long holiday weekend. 2x8x16’ joists under 20”oc with 2x6 decking. I’ve been building the...
There are no outlets with 4 feeder wires the two incoming and the 2 outgoing feed another receptacle. Check that the USB receptacle doesn’t have...
You started with chickens Now on the goats… How long until the hard stuff? We need the beef
Waiting for that relight had to clean out after a few days of hickory burn. It produces way more coal/ash than anything I’ve ever burned. Except...
My initial research says round posts as there is no heartwood exposed to rot. Question becomes can I get lengths long enough at economical prices...
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Hey everyone… yes I’m still alive :D so project coming up building a “relatively inexpensive” dock/pier on my lake recreational lot. I’m...
Jus Seems it’s been a year, plus a few days… I was just talking to someone this morning about folks that loved their fast saws and kept them...
Hey folks been a minute since I logged on. What happened to Kenis?
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Dropped this white oak last month and finally got a day and some weather to split and stack it. Added a few small splits of maple that was in the...
Got the electrical finished, plumbing and hung the medicine cabinet, door etc. still need a mirror and install the threshold otherwise done until...