I just started using them again this year and the bag had almost zero fines and burning surprisingly clean . I think they have something with this...
Yeah for the time being I’m going with the GSplus at 6$ a bag and see how they burn . I did some quick research and it said 90 percent hardwood...
I think it’s low . I run my store on medium these days with a slow feed rate and most of the ash gets blown out of my burn pot and what’s left is...
I’ve been using the premium plus and they’re burning clean with decent heat.
So the Northeastern blend did show up.[ATTACH]
The bottom line for me is do they burn clean, throw decent heat and reasonably priced. So far so good. We’ll see what happens when the...
Yeah I agree I’ll deal with a little more ash then pay $ 9 a bag. I also like the durability of these pellets. I’m noticing the softwoods are...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I just picked up 6 bags yesterday and so far they’re burning good.
Yes the hardwood. I have to be honest I’m pleased, the ash is average and seems to blow out of my burn pot which is what I want. The heat is good...
So I’ve been buying LGs this year at 7.75 a bag but very happy with the performance. Occasionally they’ll give me a little discount but eventually...
I hear ya . For LaCretes which are hard to find around here it’s $400 for a 60 count pallet and 65 for delivery , so I usually start with 3...
Who’s test firings your stove? This is how my season usually starts getting the dampness out of the house.
I hear you. I’ve started using a more economical pellet, clean fire pacific softwood , $ 6 a bag . Yes they don’t burn quite as clean but I’ve...
But usually you need to order late Summer early Fall so whatever I’m testing is probably not from the new shipment that is coming to fill, up...
Yeah that’s my biggest fear each season, what if I buy 4 tons of a bad batch
Just switched to Cubex . Right away I love the consistency of the pellets very durable, nice high gloss sheen zero fines and great smell. Throwing...
No problem we like hearing how those wood stoves are running . I’m thinking about getting a tiny/ dwarf stove for my small 3 season porch
Also the mini split is a 25 thousand btu system. We are keeping things on the toasty side . Usually it’s a t shirt and jeans house but this...
Very interesting how we all have our own systems of moving heat around and balancing with the furnace or in my case mini split which handles...