Now that you mention it, I'm not sure. I don't think it would go anywhere even if I made a stink about it. The community up here is super tight...
When the mail lady leaves passive aggressive notes in my mailbox about snow removal, after I just shoveled it out for her :headbang:
We got about 6 inches of heavy wet snow up by me, north of here got close to 10 :hair:
Glad to hear you feel so much better :)
I had one stuck really good in a 2000 Dodge Durango, soaked that thing with pb blaster and wailed on it with a 12 lb. sledge for a whole day. Next...
Congrats on the new stove yooperdave :thumbs:
I talk to a friend of mine, an old timer and he says wood splits the easiest if it was cut the same day or it's frozen. Any time your trying to...
Welcome aboard :thumbs:
Glad to have you RuggedMade
But, if you don't want a ton of people moving up this way you have to make sure that all major conveniences just aren't quite convenient enough...
I've heard a rumor that Marquette is going to get one this year:bug:
This is my second winter in a row going completely sickness free. I haven't had the "flu" since I was a child. I used to get 1 or 2 head colds per...
I have no dead ash on my property up here, I also don't see any dead ash as I travel around the area. I have a friend who said that when he...
Not sure if you have electric or gas hot water, or what either of those cost you per gallon/cu.ft./kwh. But at my house, with electric hot water...
When I was a teenager, I used to work for a farrier/blacksmith/hobby farmer. He had a couple of big draft horses that in the winter he would use...
It's not connecting upstairs for me??? I don't get it...
Not quite 4 yet but the coyotes woke me up they were being so loud, it's been a solid 6 hours and I've still got a full bed of coals and the...
Ok, 75% full load of hardwood went in an hour ago. STT climed to about 600 with key damper closed as well as damper on the front of the stove....
So warm out today that we decided to let the fire go out before bed :loco: :crazy: But I'm sure tomorrow night I will get a proper read on it
Ok, so I installed the key damper this morning and loaded the stove up with spruce, let it come up to 500 degrees and shut the main air down and...