The gentleman is correct, 60 days for both Pope & Young, Boone and Crockett. That buck will make both books.
Agree with many, beech is smooth bark here. I love blended burns. My favorite burn is beech and ash, followed closely by red oak and cherry. If...
Pound for pound and my nic not withstanding, my overall fave. Can dry in 1 yr, love the smell like circus elephants and burns clean with little...
JDU , I find it incredibly ironic that, despite my having virtually unlimited access to hickory of all varieties, you have just confirmed my...
I’ve always learned more from listening than speaking….I made contact w/ a FB poster whose profile pic is a moisture meter-he gets it-$60 a face...
But why? Yep, wood snob here…guess its a geographic thing…great for fire pits though :yes:
Oh so sweet vanilla…can’t wait to see the haul. Good for you basod :yes:
Some here shed late December, some still holding-saw a 130 class 8 pt still rocking both sides yesterday, reports from neighbors include seeing 3...
No, brenndatomu , he left one too large…:hair:
My guess was 34, could you have not choked down one more a lil smaller? Hope you are well my friend.
With my setup and in my experience, red oak is ready after 1 yr in most cases. I know geography has a lot to do with it but air flow is the...
saskwoodburner , nice harvest and with the dogs, there is no greater lover of them but carry a handi-rifle, I have pics of them in packs of 7-8,...
That’s a brute! Nice shot Knothead, think you’re over estimating the poundage a jus a lil bit….jus a lil bit
Burns hotter than a ho** in church-It is life-changing heat, you’ll think you’re gonna melt your stove when you get a good solid fire going, I...
Woodpusherpro - That deer has crazy mass-congrats on a true TX giant!
Same deal here, outfit I used 4 yrs ago nearby quit the biz so I had to scramble, found one 40 min away with good reputation but somewhat pricey....
Took this 4.5 yo 8pt yesterday at 0715, brow tine been broken for a while and did not have this buck on cam. They are rutting hard here too....
Save your shoulders and back my friend-“It’s a trap”…
Very similar, next to impossible and not worth the effort. Just my .2
I have the 261 CM, its a ripper, seems to get stronger the more I use it, price I know is relevant but you get what you pay for they say…