That thing looks pretty slick. A few mods to beef it up a little and I think it would work fine.
I’ve never had the chance to cut any shagbark but my neighbor behind me had a decent sized one blow down close to our property line. He doesn’t...
Elm is my guess. See if you have any clinkers in the ash after you burn.
Sugarberry and hackberry hybridize so much that I don’t really see true sugarberry or hackberry anymore. I was taught that the hackberry had a...
One other thought, I’m guessing you’re checking for spark with the plug removed. Your spark may be weak enough that it’s not firing under...
I’ve got an EA Wicked 55 on my L3301. So far it’s done everything I’ve asked it to do.55 Inch Wicked Root Rake Grapple | King Of The Grapples
If everything is as you say and you can’t get it to sputter with starting fluid, I’d say you either don’t have compression or you’re getting spark...
Cut a twig and see if it has salmon colored pith.
I rebuilt a Fireview 10-12 yr ago and I rubbed the stones down with some 0000 steel wool. That cleans them up nicely. You might give that a shot...
I see what looks like a sweetgum leaf on the ground in one of the pics. Bark also looks like sweetgum. I wouldn’t rule that out. Are there any...
I had a red oak blow down during a storm last Spring and finally got to work on it today. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got the limbs piled up and ready to...
Hard to believe that a new nyloc nut would loosen. Maybe try a castle nut with a pin?
When I lived in Wisconsin my stove (Woodstock Fireview) was in the basement and I had an issue like you describe. I used a heat gun pointed up the...
Can I come stay with you :D
Looks like a Northern Red Oak to me.
Sweet mantle!
I wanna see the mantle!
Thanks! It’s about a 1960 model. I’ve had it 35yr and I finally got to refurbish it about 8 yr ago.
Oh chit! What have I done! just kidding. The fireplace is on the other side of that wall and it’s flanked on either side with a door. We’ve lived...
We’ve had a pretty warm Fall but with colder weather right around the corner it was time bring the wood rack to the patio and get ‘er filled up....