Simple answer: "Almost enough"
Fiskars used to be quality. No more. Many of their products are imported from China, and they just don't seem to have a good handle on quality...
Pressure/vacuum test. Cheap insurance against lots of wasted time & trashed piston/cylinders.
I ran into another patient today who said that he was SF. I asked "the question", and he gave a useless answer. I just smiled....and disregarded...
With our Quadrafire 2700i, I normally run it at door surface temps of 300-550 F. I'm not sure how much higher temps are "normal" for this unit,...
I've never used "chips" when smoking stuff in my Weber Smokey Mountain charcoal smoker. I like to add one or two fist-sized chunks of wood to the...
I think that the $24 is their "default" shipping charge, even for a single sprocket. If you call & ask them about shipping by US Postal Service...
I've never tried using my Spyderco Sharpmaker to bring an abused/dented edge back to life. With the Lansky, you can just use the extra coarse...
I used to use a Lansky sharpening system, but switched a year or so ago to a Spyderco Sharpmaker. Very easy to use, resulting in shaving-sharp...
Have you looked at for your window motor? They sell decent quality aftermarket parts. As an example, a window motor for a 2012...
See the owner's manual, page 45 (or page 44 of the link at...
Peavey makes one of these. See: Peavey Manufacturing Company - 18" Katahdin Pickeroon w/Brush Cutter
The Council Tool unit has pretty mediocre reviews on Amazon. I wonder about the long "beak" on the Helko pick, and how well it would stick into a...
I despise those who claim to be what they are not. My dad retired from a US Army Special Forces Reserve unit (11th SFGA, Jamestown, OH) back in...
I received my Remington 1100 as a birthday gift back in 1978 or so. It's still fun to shoot.
Your CAD isn't cured. It's merely in remission.
I've not seen .22LR in my local stores for years. Maybe someday it will return to the shelves.
We only have about 8 chickens, so we just use a 1 gal Tractor Supply waterer for the birds. We bring them fresh water at night before they bed...