chance04 Call them up, they can send you spray can versions of what they use. Any color for stove body and accents. I believe the brand is stove...
I've gone through 2 of them. Both ended up getting bent from sliding the cat sled forward. I've gotten used to the look of the fire and just go by...
chucker Interested in the cat. Just got a new one this season but looking for a back up. Still available? Thanks! PM sent also
Can you use the hill to your advantage? Cut em to length and send em down to that road/driveway. Split and load at the bottom? If it's a neighbors...
Mine usually gets fired up about Halloween here in Wi. Running the NG furnace for the time being. Still haven't got all my wood moved to the house...
Basement Install with a through wall T. Outside clean out. Could I sweep from roof, top down and then vaccum out through the t from inside? Reason...
Remember lower but woods can be your friend when it comes to a cat stove. Find some pine and maple to burn for shoulder seasons. Still get the...
I vote IS. It will serve you well! I can keep about 3100 sq ft warm with it (70-74) in Wi temps. Half that being insulated un-sheetrocked basement...
Marshel54 - How long have you had the stove? WS has a 6 month trial and return no questions asked policy I believe. I would jump up to the IS....
I had a probe thermo in the little port on the front of the stove. It has since failed (2nd one) after I closed the combuster sled and it bent the...
What settings are you using to hit the 600 mark? I will set it at 2 marks above the first big mark with the pipe damper approx 3/4 closed. The...
-17 now just as the sun is starting to hit the horizon. 68 inside when I woke up at 6 with the furnace doing a little work. 70 now so the IS is...
Any time I've called to order gaskets, even ones I messed up doing stupid things. They have more than went out of there way to get it to me. No...
On cold days like today <10 degrees my damper gets shut pretty near closed. Damper plate has holes in the center and air gap on outer edge. It...
Wow just looked at the forecast: [ATTACH] Going to make a dent in the old woodpile this week after a very unseasonably warm November, December,...
No snow here, we are way north of all that mess but darn cold at -6. Still 70 inside on the upstairs stat. Went down to open the air on the IS and...
I can definitely tell the difference as well. I end up stalling my cat sometimes because of it. I always bring in a weeks worth of wood at a time....
Happy New Year everyone! Sitting at -2 still, our low for overnight. Reloaded at 9 last night and went to bed just after midnight here. Still at...
I'm going to start this adventure this spring. If I can sell enough to cover the cost of the 10 cord load so my wood is essentially free, I'll be...
85-125 a cord log length for 10-12 cord loads. Depends on supplier and delivery fees.