We are having an unusually warm September this year in Southeast Idaho. We normally expect frost in the first week or two of September. Not this...
I believe ours is the Common Juniper or Juniperus communis. It seems to be pretty wide spread. It is hard and heavy. I expect it to be a good...
Winter is over . . . Spring is here in Idaho . . . Let the hoarding begin . . . (or maybe continue) We had a real light winter, not much snow...
Where's this at?
3/24/15 It's been unusually warm here all winter. Very little snow. Temperatures have been in the 60s the last couple of weeks. Its cool in the...
I hit a stroke of luck. Many years ago I had a McCulloch Pro Mac 10-10. But it hadn't been started for at least 10 years. I cleaned it up, put...
Thought you might to see what gets me up in the morning in Idaho. [IMG]
I just got signed up and approved to be a member of the club. I ran on to this forum this morning and knew this was for me. After a 27 year...