Post hole digger with log tongs. I don't use it much but it works decent. Yup that's a hydro pole on the end of it. [ATTACH]
Can you get rid of some of it as campfire bundles or wood? We use poplar as firepit wood because it's burns away fast so no sudden flare ups in...
Propane torch and smaller splits. Tank lasts for years.
The way I can tell if it's willow or not is if there is 12 truckloads and it's free. Oh and the guy says he doesn't know what kind of wood it is....
3 pth pullers a re cheap to make. This one is from an old ditch bucket. Paid $10 for it at a sale, did some welding, added a few hooks, added a...
High ceilings and big square footage is a good place for under floor heat running in your joists. Warm feet= warm body. Many different systems to...
Ash here is testing 26 or so as it hits the ground, split and in the sun a few weeks and it's low 20's. I'm burning in a big OWB and I split...
Glad it worked for you Shawn. After seeing all these pics here I'm going to have to get some supplies ready for next year. And I'm not really a...
Lots of people around here buy ash logs in the late summer, cut them up, split them and stack them for burning starting in November. There are...
I'll give ya $1550 for it but you gotta turn the right front tire around the right way. Heck of a deal, they paint up real nice.
I do most of my cutting when it's pretty warm out because it's too muddy otherwise. I don't do anything with my saws other than there is fuel and...
Shawn, you need to wrap that setup to keep the wind off it and the heat on it. Even a few wraps of rockwool insulation will cut your fuel use and...
Local printing company here used to have beautiful softwood pallet that the rolls of newspaper was delivered on. Brand new, 1 time use always...
I put my skids on the ground and the splits fall onto them off my conveyor. I also put old ones under my firewood crates to save the crates. They...
Pics? Me, last week. [ATTACH]
My valves are so hot he wouldn't touch them twice.
Coal reaper, when crap breaks you can't have enough valves. I use them to turn circuits on and off for heating and also by passes for summer...
Look for info on the web about failed lines. Make your decision based on what you find. I don't want to make the decision for you but owb can be...
It's muddy here but still lots of snow where I need to go. Snow is still 8' deep in the low spots to the bush. Going to melt fat though. The dogs...
D2082, lots of old equipment can be remade to do what you need to do for very little cost. My other brother in law has a winch and says I can use...