I had a German Shepard that would wander away when he smelled a female in heat. He would slink back a few hours later and hide under my truck and...
My local Toyota dealership has low mileage like new 1989 truck on display. The last time I was there for service I told a salesman that I bought...
A bit more shoe, but I have of pull on Dryshod ankle boots I use for quick trips outside.
I bought a Land Pride 72” clamshell grapple for my L3560. I have use mostly for brush clean up from tree removal. I am satisfied with it so far
Check out Davey’s logging. He’s a soft spoken, unassuming independent logger in western NY. Some good tree felling.
Another vote for the 261, especially for the size wood you mention.
I have winter oil. I didn’t pay any more for it than I do for regular oil. I use it for when I cut after deer season until mid season. Don’t know...
Shot that 4 point above in NY with .250 Savage, 102 yards. Passed up several small bucks but it was time to get it done before I move on to PA...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH Shot this 8pt. with my crossbow Sunday at 7:00am. 22 yards
Had to do the same thing to put a hitch on my RTV 900. Chopped about an inch off using a chop saw.
My father made the splitter my brother and I use. He passed in 1992. I imagine he would get a kick watching us use it.
I’m sure that I have never cut a cherry that needed more than a 20” bar to reach through.
Best wishes!!
Sorry to hear this Jeff. I also would have thought the repair would be more expensive-so I guess that’s good news in a weird way. Hope you get it...
I use Husky oil. Pick it at the Boonville NY logging show. I tbink my last case was $44 last summer.
My brother had Kawasaki Mule for 18 years without a problem. Transmission shifted hard when it was new and still was rough the day he sold it....
I remember my father putting saws in the truck when he logged. I don't have to cut when it's that cold.
That's been our experience- tote stacked is1/3cord or a face cord of 16" wood.
I’m a school principal. I regularly encourage kids to consider a trade. Unless a kid has a career goal that requires college, I don’t think...