Gonna build a new shop/garage and tree would have been in the way, plus looked like it was starting to rot at the bottom
We got lucky 3 days in the 60s and 70s, we got all the limbs burned up and gone. a lot of noodling and splitting ahead
Taken down
got all the small stuff stacked
I would think so too, but I have the same set up in my shop and it works good for me. just keep fires smaller when I need to
I am looking for a stove for my sons place i’m building. I have a Drolet Myriad, and love it but cant find any close. looks like Home depot...
Donation sent
I just wanted to say I tried the Loctite PL S30 and that stuff is the real deal, tried everything else and it never worked this stuff works...
Those stacks are a thing of beauty, welcome to the club
The choke seems to be engaging properly, I'm starting to wonder if low compression could be an issue, don't have a gauge to check. I've been too...
I'll check that today thanks
I think so, the choke is in the filter so its hard to tell
The choke lever was broke, the part where you put your thumb was missing
I replaced the choke lever today, no change, what do you guys reccomend next, I'm new to tinkering with saws. It runs fine after its started...
I'll be interested to see how you like it too, I almost ordered one the other day. Then I decided that the Estwing splitting hatchet would be...
I forgot that the choke lever is broken too, so it may not be seating the choke properly, I need to replace that first then go from there
Thanks guys