-1 degree this AM 72 degrees in the house. Crown Royal doing its job.
Welcome aboard! Judy Bellringer
I was not having any problems with it just decided to upgrade. I have been running it for a time and noticed that I have burnt about half the...
Prayers sent for CBVT!
Good to hear CBVT! Get Well and listen to your Dr.
Prayers sent CBVT!
Yes it was a Central Boiler I hope that the Crown Royal is as good. I have been loading it once a day with Maple and Oak so far it is doing the...
Yep! that's the way I like it with just enough cream
Great tune pretty amazing talent !
Looks to be Elm and Norway Maple.
Are the catalpa beans good for anything? Maybe dry them and use for kindling/firestarters?
Bob Dylan Shelter from the Storm "live '76"
When I built my chicken coop I put chicken wire over the floor joists before I laid the floor. I put hardware cloth on the windows. I don't have...
Most definitely a good purchase. I bought mine new in 06 because of the power to weight ratio. One of the best Husky's ever IMHO.
Great saw!
My condolences' on the loss of your Sister Backwoods Savage. To bad your trip was cut short it sounds like you were having a great time visiting.
That Beech will be some great firewood. Looks like mother nature is keeping you busy. Have fun and be safe cutting.
I'm think Elm judging from the bark and the end veiw.