There are options ..... Eltschinger Industries makes one powered by an Echo engine ... Little Helper Cart | PaulHaul Don't know that I'd trust...
IIRC, there's companies out there that have these for less $$
The MS250 has a good deal of snot for its size and does really wake up with a MM. Some of them do have a tendency to flood easily. On sale now...
OP, call your local Echo DEALER to find out if they're having a Spring 'Echo Day' ..... ours is on the 27th and all gear $200 and over is %15 off....
I have seen a fix where the owner drilled a couple of tiny holes in the plastic behind the rod, then threaded some fine cable/wire (think kid's...
There are some NLA 028 parts .... the two gears that drive the oil pump come to mind right away.
Yah, police dept parking lots are a good place. I've also used Wal-Mart parking lots, but only the 'inner' lot nearest the store. Those are...
The view from the other side ..... I work in a Stihl dealership. I'm the guy who does the chains and think I do a pretty good job. My worst...
I have a DHT with the Kohler. It runs well, but it isn't a Honda. The manual will say to run it dry before storing ... DO IT!! That carb is a...
Exmark has a deal going right now .... A 44" Radius E-Series for $4995
Echo does .... but it's only a tiller ... Garden Tiller Soil Tiller Compact Cultivator Echo also offers a powered cultivator as an attachment in...
I've used them ... ... in a Shindaiwa 488 ... in a Stihl 361 ... and in a Husqvarna 262 All performed flawlessly and are still in use today. In...
Honda has been making a plastic deck mower since the early 1990s .... they do perform well.
The 2620 is definitely the hotrod of the bunch .... also has plenty of muscle for when you may need to use a cutting blade. Build to handle...
I might get flamed for this ..... ..... but I've had 346s and 488s ....... and prefer the 488s. Just feels better balanced and stronger to me.
Ooooooooooooooo .... brain cramp and fogginess setting in .... @Spike60 (is he even a member here?) did a youtube (afleetcommand?) video on bar...
.... not many! I prefer mine to my OE 346!
My guess is an 039/390 .... decomp buton.
I've used it. Need to let it cure a LONG time (3 weeks .. ) It doesn't mind if you drain the tank when the saw will be idle.
If you can't find an affordable Husky 346XP, then a fine 2nd choice would be a Husky 350 or the Stihl 250. The 250 is especially underrated IMHO...