2 Thank You sir, I will get one one of these days.
I have been looking at these, How well does it bust up wood. How long did you have to wait for it. Also price isnt to bad converted to the US dollar.
I think he disappeared, i have tried to pm him to no avail.
Is this still available?
Here is one.
There are a couple on ebay
Lo i thought it was 3/4 hp
Lol thank you
i have a mmws 362c with full wrap. saw has no more than five tanks. 850.00 plus ride.
Thank you
it finally let me
for some reason it wont let me upload. if any one in intrested there are several.
Sorry about that here they come.
Stihl 661r with 32 inch tsumura light. 1100 plus the ride. Saw has 3rd tank in her now.
I would like too know.
My family used them for years. I grew up using them. Been looking for a Stihl mt.
What saw does it fit?
Any 028 stuff?
Lol me too. Aug. 25
That video is of apex 1 i have 4 wich comes with a few momore options. Www. Edgepro. Com