That's pretty slick.
Jealous nice looking shed and stack!
I always knew you watched flipper shows. Now I know why you carry that pea shooter, keep guys from flippin up your dress lol
We'll leave the lights on
Always fun to cut with ya bud coudnt have asked for a better cutting buddy. I'll keep getting us places to cut
I like the switch saws at last min to lol
Our red elm around me is all wind twisted. Only hydros split. Love to burn thou. Getting hard to come buy around me everyone hunts it down to cut...
Hey Prell you see what saw he is using in pic 4
What's that stuff on the ground lol? Wish we had some
Sweet thanks the heads up
I dunno what's what on eBay but they got 390 complete engines I was looking at
Not sure which to go with. Its not a race saw just hobbie. Which would you rec mm?
Cool better start looking at cylinder kits then. I would have never thought about the decomp valve. $ooline its all cool I don't care about hijack
Thanks master that's the answer I was looking for. I've built some nasty stroker SBC s. Now getting into small engines. My father in law gave me...
Does that fit into the 029 case. I new at this small engine stuff.
Has anybody put a bigger jug and piston in a 029 sthil? Haven't really gotten into building a saw up yet only thing I have done is install new...
Today's load with prell
That's all you got today?
Not far from your house.