I had a thought this morning. Better half and tiny human get cold at night when the wood stove is cranking because the rooms are upstairs and we...
Merry Christmas all.
Thanks :salute: I kinda want to expand it with a deck and some solar lights for her too but that’s a later project.
It has been a while indeed
Well I went all out today for my little girl. We found a free playhouse and I found a pile of pallet boards and well things happened. Lots of...
Thank you all. He is still in the ICU and not responding however they were able to do his arm surgery last night.
I am going to do something I don’t normally do and ask publicly for thoughts and Prayers. Charlie is a young man that to me is family. He is...
I had a really bad impulse purchase attack today. :rofl: :lol: It’s not great quality but for an $85 plasma cutter it isn’t bad! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
They forced me to slow down so now I’m reading the forums. [ATTACH]
Every time I see your pics I want to up and move…
That brown one is psycho…. The grey one is very calm until the other gets him going and then it’s all over the house turns into a destruction...
I was actually able to contact the company and verify the model at least. The model was developed in 1856 and made up until the early 1900’s. So I...
Finally the day of terror is over :rofl: :lol: seriously hyper kittens [ATTACH]
O wildwest I forgot I was gonna tell you about it too.
So this is what I landed on. The owner said it was her 3rd great grandfathers stove. It had been in the family ever since and nobody used it for...
I figure its an outdoor bar so hopefully air leaks won't matter much but I do plan to get it taken apart and sealed as much as I can before install.
I like that idea! I hadn't thought about a slip pipe... I don't know if I want to hang the pipe but I do want to be able to pull it down when its...
No it won't be heated full time. The smokers, Blackstone and grill all live in the outdoor bar full time aside from the Davey Crockett it lives...