60* here this evening.
Found this little turd while loading some splits last week. Stuck my hand down right by him! [ATTACH] He didn't make it!
I'll end up cutting them down but it may be a while. I have lots of farm work and many cords of pecan wood to cut up. Most of the trees will get...
I can get 2x4 scrap as well...just don't want to leave this in the burn pile if it's any good.:)
Anyone ID these trees by bark alone? They are on the river on the place I cut wood. Never paid much attention to them as I mainly cut oaks and...
Welcome sir! You certainly know how to make an entrance:thumbs:
Welcome sir!
It's exactly how I got involved in it as well. Cutting wood with my grandpa, and burning last years wood in the fireplace! How does it get any better?
Very nice job on the cutting board.
Great stories guys. I have many great memories of my youth when cutting wood with my grandpa. I really enjoyed the time spent in the woods and it...
I've never seen that much snow in my life! :eek:
I am not terribly allergic to it but, usually have a small spot or two on me year round. Dang sure try to avoid it at all costs but, sometimes...
Hahaha...that would definitely work.
I gotta do something to up muh odds when I hit the pearly gates:D
Not sure, usually doesn't stay around the house long enough to stack. I'd guess close to a cord per trailer. Most times when I bring it home my...
Nice job! It'd be a great place to live if everyone helped each other like that!:dex:
Pulled a couple trailer loads home this weekend. Had two of my three sons out helping so, it went fairly quickly. This is my 13 yr old in front....
Looks like it'll work.
I'll bring the wood for whatever get together my friends come up with.....and if someone calls and needs some firewood to make it through a cold...
20 and above is fine with me...I like it when you can work in a sweatshirt or long sleeved shirt and not be cold. As long as ya keep moving,your...