I’m on year 4 with the stove and I think this will be my last year with the original cat. Mine is really sluggish like yours. I’ve never done a...
When I worked construction I wore Carolina loggers. They would last me about a year. You have to read the label on the tongue though, not all of...
Yup. The back of my ash pan is as black as coal.
[ATTACH] I had mine in there loose last year and had no issues with smoke leakage. This year I'm using one of these magnets I got at my local Ace...
Mine sounds the same. I did the 50/50 spray bottle method this year for the first time. Definitely made a difference in performance.
Thanks for the replies fellas. I've got no worries with it being pine. I'll use it for shoulder season or mix a piece in here and there during the...
The white dots are left over wood chips. It was coated with them before I took the picture.
Thanks for the replies. I didn't think it was pine since it wasn't sappy and I wasn't getting any sap on my gloves when I was splitting it.
I'll try to take another pic tomorrow.
[ATTACH] Any ideas on what this is? It's very stringy when splitting. Thanks.
This will be my 3rd season with the IS. Very happy with it.
JA600L....I've had the stove since last year. Ran it 24/7 throughout the winter. This year I've only had it burning for a few days. Way to warm...
Just be careful taking out the cat probe plug. I started to loosen mine and it sheared off. OK no problem, I'll just drill it and use an easy...
USN 1989-1993 AME3 VA-85 NAS Oceana deployed aboard USS America CV-66 (Desert Shield/Desert Storm)
I usually carry around the 4 to 5 o'clock position.
I'm sure you'll like it. Should be comfortable right out of the box with the neoprene backing.
I have an Alien Gear for my M&P Shield. I'm Happy with it. Very comfortable once the leather is broken in. I don't have any other IWB holsters to...
That is so true.
I'll have to check out the right side temps and see how they compare. Right now with the thermos where they are in the picture, the stove is...