UH guess I am done posting here
Thia has been a frequently discussed topic, so please bear with me. 3-year-old cat that had been sprayed with the vinegar 50/50 solution a...
Knew right away. Oldest there is in the USA I believe. Nature is amazing isn't it?
I bought this one from Council Tools. They make all kinds of forestry tools. It is about 35 inches long. No, I did not drill a hole thru it for...
UH! Not a chance.
Thanks MuddyPaw, Good information.
Not the best pictures, but this is the saw that needs sharpening. My apologies about earlier comments regarding uploading photos. They were too...
I tried that also. No luck. Various problems with the FHC site. Cannot stay logged in, cannot upload pics, cannot enter swag shop etc. Message...
I can't upload any pics from my phone or computer. This has been a problem for quite some time.
So, a few years back, I purchased a nice German Putsch one man saw. It did a nice job for quite a while. I bought this saw for occasional use and...
Nope. MY MIND IS JUST FINE. But like I said, my stacks do not look like that now. When I was younger, I cut every stick perfectly to the same...
20 inches {typo}
I was talking to a relative who grew up on a farm. They burned wood for heat as did many others. He told me about this setup they had where a big...
Ya D UP Huh, Built our cabin 20 miles NW of Manistique on Thunder Lake back in the 70s. The weather up there is unpredictable. One year driving...
Beautiful home Scotty. Yes, this cold weather does make one appreciate a good woodburner.
No, the cat does not need to be glowing red hot. Depends a lot on the condition of the cat {age and if it needs cleaning}, but I often see no...
I know the feeling reloader. My problem is that I have around 23 face cords of Red Oak split and stacked, but it is only 8 months aged. No way...
I will never understand the thinking of any person or group of people that do not support all of our public servants be they police, fire, EMS, or...
Ditto. Rain, snow, ice leaves, pine needles and other stuff invited otherwise.