Running the stihl synthetic that extended the warranty. Thanks for the advice. I will run without it. And careful not to burn the woods down.
My new saw, that ran good for 5 tanks of fuel quite running! It would start up when cold, run for about 3 minutes and die! All I could find wrong...
High of 45 today, turning colder when wind will be out of the North. Lows around 15 for a few nights. Glad I found out the problem with my furnace...
:ups: Changed the Chain. Now cold has set in, and had to go back to work! Another project that will have to wait a while. And my old truck wont...
I remember how it happened now. I was idling the saw and started to limb the log when the chain jumped off. My own fault again! I have not worked...
I am low on seasoned hedge, so I hoard it by adding a small piece in with a few oak logs. Good for 14 hours or so.
Hello! 29 degrees and clear here. expecting 10 degrees tonight! Keep the fire stoked!
Thanks again! 29 degrees now and 10 degrees forcast for tonight here in S.E. Kansas. Stay warm up there in Wi. And have a happy Safe New Year!
Will do. Stuck at work, but when I get home I will fix it.
Ya, I will inspect it better in the shop. Thanks.
When I put the chain back on and adjusted the tention. Spining it by hand is where there is one spot where it gets tight.
I got careless while dorking around limbing a downed oak tree, not noticing my chain was loose, and off it came. Put it back on and its tight in...
Yes, forced air. 2400 sq. ft.
Being from Beaverton Mi. back in the 70's, one appreciates seasoned, hardwoods this time of year. Although the winters here are not as severe as...
Getting prepared for 2017!
:ups: A trailer or small modular home for family to live in, close to Grandma and Grandpa!
For now I am going to form them into a horseshoe with my tractor, and burn the tops and brush within. Them I plan on knocking most the dirt off...
9 post oak and one hedge.
Our property, clearing area for building.