I got around to attempting a repair today. I warmed both my axe and a sledgehammer with a loose head next to the woodstove. Then I mixed a big...
I once fixed a coolant tank in a semi truck with jb weld and that was holding 15psi and 200 degrees. Lasted at least a year then the truck was...
Thanks for the replies. The west system epoxy sounds good but unfortunately it seems to cost more than I paid for the axe itself. Maybe its time...
I have an axe that I really like but after several years the head is starting to come loose. It's kind of a hybrid axe/maul and I think it weighs...
Anybody have a Senix 4 stroke saw? I saw one the other day in a local store. It was an 18" 42cc I believe and was priced less than $200.
I did that once with a weight and it came around and busted a window out of the house. Boy was I mad. They do work though just be careful with...
Might be tree of heaven. The bark looks similar. I got some awhile back.
Neat stove, but that is one guy that could use a torch!
Split them so you can fit them in the door. As long as its dry it should burn fine. I had some big ash for overnight burns last year and they...
I just looked up tree of heaven and I think that's it. That's a new one for me.
It's that stringy stuff under the bark that reminds me of poplar.
We have several types of maple. I was looking at tree bark pictures on the internet and the only maple that I think the bark looked like was...
Some is slightly punky.
I was thinking some kind of maple too but the bark is different than I usually see.
Haven't been on here in a while but I picked up some wood at the dump recently and am not sure what it is? It split by hand fairly easy.[ATTACH]...
I'm guessing poplar
I use the torch on my wood stove and corn stove.
Nice to find some Massey guys. 44 and 30 here.
That elm can be something else! :faint:Never tried the ironwood.
Looks nice outside, how warm is it there?