You're still up from 2022.
That will do it.
woo hoo ! My kitchen clock will match network time on the ninth instead of being an hour off. Why change it just to change it back in a couple of...
Cherry garners (at least) a $50 per cord premium around here. West coats cottonwood has some bigass flowers.
addition can be quite addicting
We have about an inch of thawed out soaked soil on top of frozen soil. Haven't tried to push anything into the ground to see how far down the...
Wisteria scarred a few trees like that here. I've seen many of them break at that scar in a hurricane.
I guess they got all the miles out of that one.
seasoned - good unseasoned - not so good
Samantha Ramsdell - world's largest (mouth) gape.
I [ATTACH] maybe he has tiny hands
[MEDIA] Ambiance at the push of a button.
I remember the school bus getting stuck in a snow bank at an intersection. All of us kids got off the bus and helped push it out. Hey, we just...
Considering the time of year, I have some big fat red cardinals in my bird feeder. No yellow finches this Winter. Nary a one.
Why can't we have the real temps any more ?
Raining since 2AM here. Am hoping it rains enough to wash away the snow we got initially which is now slush as once this goes by it's supposed to...
generally, a thing has to be 100 years old to be considered an 'antique' With cars there's vintage and classic cares - all assigned ages of...
The only sassafras I've had had a VERY distinctive sassafras smell. Without the smell or leaves I dunno.
Got the snowblower I bought two and a half years ago started for the first time after (far too many pulls) I figured out it has a fuel shut off....