28 currently. High of 34 today, 17 tonight. Hedge in the boiler, honey locust in the fireplace. Lots of ice left from Sunday, about five inches...
72 inside. Shop is set at 45 and I don’t think it has kicked on yet. [ATTACH] Hedge in the boiler. Split cedar stumps in the fireplace for...
56/40. Switched to black walnut cut out of the tops left by the loggers. Really cruddy wood in my opinion.
Some more. [ATTACH]
Yes, it’s pretty warm for hedge but the boiler just cycles less often. If I had more shoulder wood I might switch, but I’m really saving it for...
57/40. Straight hedge in the boiler. Got three totes loaded and under cover before the light rain we got this morning. May have to go dig some...
Neighbor and family friend has given me a nice vise and old Marlin rifle. Cleaning up his wind downed pecan is the least I could do for him.
The request was "anything but hedge." I think it is a closed door fireplace.
100% hedge in the boiler. Selling some mixed honey locust and hackberry this weekend for fireplace use. Plan to cut hedge this weekend. The...
33 this morning, 66/42 today. Starting to mix hedge into the boiler with black walnut, black locust and red oak. Straight hedge in a few weeks.
57/49 here today, rain this evening. Planning to refill a tote this afternoon and get it under cover before it rains. Refilled the boiler this...
Rainy but warm here: 68/ 54. Colder this week. Just filled the boiler with walnut tops left by the logger and silver maple from a downed tree...
Anyone have any trees to clean up from all this midwest wind? I have an ash and another on a fence; its probably elm and will just get thrown...
Anyone have any trees to clean up from all this midwest wind? I have a small ash if I can navigate the fence and ditch to get to it.
I am calling this done. I’ll only replace what I burn at this point. I’m calling it 45 cords. About 35 in the holzhausens and another 10...
Today’s [ATTACH] brief work.
A great day for getting those stacks dry. [ATTACH]
A great one to split by hand. Good stuff.
Yes, thorns, but was able to get SWMBO to help trim them off and the oldest boy to haul it to the woodlot. Double win.