that all looks very nice.
5 of us was out playing golf and got hit by it,that was many years ago, when we were young,
Happy Birthday all,have a good day.
we have had the highest temps ever in the uk,
here in the uk we have had it so hot, for the last week up in london there are fires and corn fields burning.
Happy Birth day to you all.:stacker::stacker::cheers::cheers:
Happy 4th of july to you all.
all that looks very nice, shame im to far away,
happy b/day all.
what kind is it.good or bad.
i just cant stand snakes,
so would i
what kind of snake is that,will it harm you.
so glad you all had a good time,food looked great, well done.
looks like your having a very good time, denis you have a nice place there.take care.
sun out now in the afternoon and its hot, best so far sat out in the garden fell asleep.
we have a nice easter weekend coming up starting to morrow.
they were brought over here in 1948 to kill off the red ones, because there were so many but it got out of hand they killed to many, now we have...
this is very sad,sorry for the family.
our was today when is yours forward.