Granddaughter. That is my son in law aka her dad. They take hunting serious. And she played a game of soccer that morning earlier. Wish I had...
Indiana's Youth hunt was this weekend. Audrey has had an extraordinary first year. First her doe, then a buck, then her ram in Michigan and now...
People look at me weird when I say I am not a people person. Yet I have greatly enjoyed my Ag. Shop teaching career of over 30+ years. I...
OUCH for sure. That split was hungry and took a bite out of that thumb. Hope it is healing and glad it was just the end.
I agree there is much worse crime, but and that is a BIG BUT, do you think they are stealing your tools to work all day at a job? Most likely...
Oh he does many times, judges and prosecutors letting them back out.
Its happened once before, look, the person is already missing one leg from the first incident!:D:p
Someone already mentioned it, your ram was busy and fertile. Hope you kept him, he did a great job. Those ewes with horns look like they could...
I don't have the source to credit, but I did read somewhere that is was initially thought to be a great tree for cities. No fruit so nothing to...
It is amazing how much wind comes through cracks. Actually small cracks will cause calves to get pneumonia easier than leaving a door open....
I don't know how I missed all of this last year, but a sawmill is something I have always wanted. Have helped a couple of buddies who had them,...
What was under the "circus tent" structure and the 30 rectangular structures off of the 3 ends? And yes, I thought it would take longer to get...
Now that would make your butt muscles pucker up!
How long has it sat? Might have dried out and once worked, may seal/heal itself.
Be great if the gun is functional and just slid over the stick of the stick shift!!! Open carry at its best!
I don't care what restaurant they were in, had I walked in and seen that, I would have turned and left!
Might call the company and talk to them. Maybe they have been thinking along those lines or hadn't ever considered it. Either way, if they build...
I am the wrong one to ask that question to as I have 6 licensed trailers and probably 6 more on various places around the farm!! But in these...
I actually have two orange traffic trailers for signs, pintle hitches included.
Actually a horse trailer once it is stripped down is not very strong. Amazing how the strength is built into the body.