It dawns on me that having a working stove and lots of firewood is a very good way to be self sufficient. I won't have a working boiler until...
If you don't have soil, you don't have the minerals and biodiversity in the soil. Food doesn't taste as good and it is not as good for you. In...
I am playing it cool right now. I only make moves when I understand the game. Right now thing are pretty expensive and I don't know where the...
Anyone know I found a pdf of the anarchist cookbook on internet archive. Millions of downloads. Must be some pretty big list the feds have.
Am I that serious?! :D Life is just a game, we all end up on the compost heap one day. :wacky:
Water filters, flashlights, firewood, stored food, trash bags, paper plates, medical supplies, dry bag, lighters, matches, firestarters,...
Let me know if you want some help.
My wife dressed up the little guy(11mo.) as a lumber Jack for Halloween. I naturally thought that was a great idea. I helped make his axe....
What do you guys think about kimber? It seems some people love them and other reviews say they are poor quality. I saw another company bul...
I saw some guy on YouTube shooting 500+ grain hand loads. Ouch. You could see his whole body recoil. I am a huge fan of the side gate. I am...
I don't have a shop press but I have a splitter... Then again, you would need a good quantity of paper to make this worth the effort. I save my...
Is that a powder coat paint job? Looks really sweet and the wheels are the cherry on top.
So I had this issue of some hot rounds consistently hitting about 6 inches too high with my 45-70. I was shooing from a bench rest so I didnt...
660cc. Finally a chainsaw engine that can keep up.
It's great if you want to make a YouTube video.
I guess my real question isn't what are the standard sizes. I am trying to understand the limits of what length is safe to shoot in any given...
I was over at ammoseek and I see a lot of different 9mm rounds. 9x18, 9x19, 9×26... what is considered standard for 9? Are there similar...
I have a few things... angle grinder, palm sander, nail gun, reciprocating saw... they all kinda work I guess. They are also cheap enough that...
Lol. I seem to recall a fairly large recall on jack stands or car jacks. :whistle:
Good manufactures, thanks. I didn't consider mags, good thinking. :yes: