you can save some money by changing the rubber piece before the metal cogs start touching each other as well i do that on my little tractor...
when is it happening
maybe need approval ?
lol something to do with fhc id say i see alot of videos here with that
no link there kevin
stock motor on mine muffler opened and a 044 carb i run a 325x8 pin 18 inch bar on mine
the 290 is a good saw when played with a little
291 is a homeowner/farm ranch saw and the 261 is a pro saw ive had a total of 3 of them and i like the power of them
lol its not worth 800 bucks new
i looked on stihl site and doesnt offer the cmq on the 291 but who knows
toolless easy start options
link ? im only seeing a 291 not a 291c version the c is mtronic mq you said was the quick stop
you can still buy them i have a couple hoarded plus a ported one
google search comes up empty i think the quick stop was a failure different case and brake parts on the 036 quick stop
lol im ok
he texted me this morning and said he got it so probably already came in and messaged hows you duane
lol im better looking than him lol
text sent says he hasnt been on whattsapp since monday evening
ill text him and have him check in