All-Time Moisture Records Pile Up as 2018 Draws to a Close by Bob Henson | Category 6 The real shock to me is that even removing the hurricane...
Just wanted to post this for all of you you who have noted that it's been really rainy this year. [ATTACH]
That is pretty perfect pile.
Good looking wood crib!
I doubt it. 10 day forecast has every day save two well above freezing...and January is supposed to be the 'cold' month.
Wow. There's temperature swing.
Freezing rain here, was burning a little locust and some dogwood. Good btu's. Sad pathetic little winter here.
What he said!!! :confused:
Yes, it coals quickly.
Been burning some Walnut recently. It sure dries nice...and a joy to split ... But it's not an Everlast battery for burn times and I gotta be...
Two weeks of seasonal weather and the rest has been very warm. Hit fifty after Xmas. Absurd weather... Nearly rained out of my back yard. Keep...
Fence posts made of locust behave the same way.
It's not like I see a lot of it. The thing is though, if it's alive and you cut it down then it should have moisture in the wood. Ash is well...
In Russia, centipede chase you ...
I'm not anti spider ... Anti centipede yes.
I find that doubtful. All wood benefits from proper seasoning. E even ash, which legitimately will burn okay the day you cut it down.
I have gotten Osage at least once from the local dump...found quite a few splits in my wood pile last year. My sister in law has Osage Oranges...
Or your neighbors are deaf? It really depends on who heats with wood in your area ... I can only spot four other stoves in my neighborhood......
I do the same thing ... If I hear someone cutting I follow the sound.
I do the same thing...and a I swear it runs better or at least comes up to temp quicker afterwards !