The Firewood Hoarders Club is growing rather quickly, but we still are small compared to other firewood, stove, and chainsaw forums. The best way to help FHC grow is to get the word out to people just like us! This is where YOU come in. You have the power to reach potential members that may not even know yet that they would like to join a forum like ours-- they might not even know that they'd like to burn wood or pellets yet!
At the bottom of each thread you will find an assortment of social sharing buttons including, but not limited to, FaceBook and Twitter. These buttons make it easy to share an interesting thread with all your friends on your favourite social media sites. These buttons are not yet available on our resource sand some other pages, but we are working on adding them. A work-around is to copy the URL and paste it directly into the social media site.
Please take the time to share our pages on your social media site and help us continue to grow. You are FHC’s greatest asset.

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