
Forum Rules
Official Rules of the Firewood Hoarders Club
The Firewood Hoarders Club Rules
Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. These rules are subject to change as new challenges arise and apply to FirewoodHoardersClub.com, the FaceBook page and its forums, the YouTube channels and any other Firewood Hoarders Club pages.
Although the administrators and moderators of the Firewood Hoarders Club forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners or staff of the Firewood Hoarders Club forums will be held responsible for the content of any message.
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any content that is in breach of the below listed rules, or otherwise violate any laws.
The staff of the Firewood Hoarders Club forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. Furthermore, violation of any of the forum rules may result in consequences up to and including permanent ban. All consequences will be decided on a per case basis and prior history may be taken into account. Staff decisions are final.
Commercial Posters
The Firewood Hoarders Club forums is completely funded through our Swag Shoppe, which allows these forums to remain independent and unbiased. Commercial posters are welcome here, but we do ask that you be on your best behaviour. We will not tolerate a manufacturer or seller speaking ill of a rival, be it another product, company, or seller. Remember that you are a representative of your business and that negative interactions reflect poorly on your products and services.
The Firewood Hoarders Club forums is intended to be a family-safe forum. Please keep all your content clean and tasteful. This includes your words, photos, videos, and any websites linked.
The Firewood Hoarders Club reserves the right to remove any content that the staff determine to contain unsafe or reckless actions or that casts firewood or pellet burners in a negative light.
In the interest of keeping the Firewood Hoarders Club forums friendly and civil all topics will remain free of political discussion and debate. This includes but is not limited to promoting parties and candidates, or taking digs at opposing political parties, their views or their candidates. All violators will be reprimanded and the offending content will be immediately deleted.
Threads or replies promoting or expressing intolerant views towards any group (race, religion, gender, disability) are not appropriate, and will not be allowed. Members with known associations with any extremist organization will be immediately banned.
FHC Classifieds
Any advertisements of items or services for sale must include an accurate description of the item. Misrepresentation of any item or service though a misleading description or photos will not be tolerated. No weapons of any kind, nor their accessories, are to be sold via any of the Firewood Hoarders Club pages.
All advertisements must be lawful, family friendly, and must adhere to all of the other rules of the Firewood Hoarders Club forums. Solicitation, exploitation or otherwise abusing the trust and charitableness of our members and this website are expressly forbidden.
Personal Attacks & Threats
Personal attacks against members of the Firewood Hoarders Club, its forums, and associated pages will not be tolerated and are subject to editing or deletion at the discretion of the staff.
Threatening other members will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to threats of physical violence, property damage, and death. Private conversations are also subject to this rule.
No signature is to contain explicit images or advertising for any company, business or forum without prior approval from staff. Failure to comply will result in your signature being modified.
All other forum rules also apply to your signature.
The repeated posting of unrelated or disruptive content will not be tolerated. Please do not spam our forum. Spammers will have their posts deleted and be banned immediately.
Trolling, or makings posts with the sole intention of creating discontent or problems on the forums is forbidden. This includes registering an alternate account to circumvent a ban or for the purpose of creating problems on the forums. Troll accounts will be banned immediately, permanently, and without notice to the offender. Owning a second account is not permitted and may be considered trolling.
Members are not to solicit or make repeated requests for financial or monetary gains or otherwise abuse the good nature of other members. Offenders will be subject to moderation protocol up to and including banning.